Table of Contents
Getting Started
Beginner's Guide Videos
How much do I need to know?
First, we ask you to pre-register (link is on home page). After that, all you need to know is how to get to the event, and we'll help you from there. Before you start, we provide first-timer instructions including how to read and orient a map, where to start and finish, and what to do in-between!
What should I bring?
Bring a sense of adventure!
Bring a compass if you have one. Orienteer Kansas will provide the map (with pre-drawn course), and compasses are available to borrow.
Dress for your speed and the weather.
If you plan to walk, quick-drying hiking pants and day hiking shoes are a good choice. If you plan to run, running tights, tall socks, and trail running shoes will suit you better.
Cover your legs. Even in a seemingly tame park, you may find yourself fighting through some underbrush or tall grass. Except for at very urban venues, leg coverage is advised, whether it’s pants, soccer socks, or even a padded gaiter.
Don’t wear your best clothes: the woods are thorny and have stick tights. The trails can be muddy.
You may want a change of clothes/shoes if the weather is wet.
If you think you need new gear, visit OUSA's vendors webpage for a list of online retailers.
Bring any water or food you may want.
It is a good idea to bring a whistle to signal for help in the unlikely event you become lost or injured.
Do I have to run?
No. Orienteering is for all speeds, fast and slow. Whether you want a thrilling or relaxing experience is up to you!
How long will it take me?
It depends on the terrain/weather, the length of the course, and your speed. That being said, most events are limited to 2 hours or less. If that sounds a bit daunting, don't worry; you can always finish without completing the entire course and/or time limit.
Can I follow other people?
Following others is typically discouraged. If you see another orienteer, they may be seeking a different control than you, or be on a different course altogether.
However, you can participate as a group, so bring your friend who always seems to know which way to go!
What do I do if I get lost?
If you can backtrack to the last place you knew where you were, do so.
If there are any controls nearby, you can wait and ask for help from a non-competitive participant when one arrives.
If options 1 and 2 are not viable, stop and look around. Take notice of any unique or identifiable features near your location such as trails or roads, bodies of water, or hills. If you are in a low area, it may be helpful to move to higher ground in order to see more of the area. Then, try to match one or more of the features you noticed with features on the map. Head toward a large feature like a road to get back to the finish. Many venues, even very rugged ones, have large features like roads that can help you navigate back to the finish.
If you cannot navigate back to the finish, then blow your whistle using three short blasts, and repeat until someone finds you. Note that orienteers are obligated to abandon their course and attend to the call of a whistle, so only blow your whistle if you are truly lost or hurt and cannot make it back to the finish.
If you do not return to the finish by course closure time, a search party will be organized to find you.
More Orienteering Opportunities
This is an orienteering group in Kansas City area. Check their website for additional orienteering opportunities in the area
This is the national orienteering organization. Their website includes information about events all over the country, training resources, membership, and news.
Improving Your Skills
You can practice orienteer anytime you wish using the permanent course at Woodridge Park. Print your own map, practice without any timing or results. Great to introduce friends to the sport; or get some more practice for yourself.
Better Orienteering is a collaborative project to help newcomers start orienteering and to help existing orienteers improve. It aims to help people start and get better at orienteering, world-wide.